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Last seen 15 April 2019, 23:20
31 years old   Norwich, United Kingdom


a woman, looking for a man aged 23-37

About me

About me:
ok so here goes...i am a beach girl, who could notc live away from the sea without needing a passport. I live in a dreamy place called old hunstanton in a house right on the beach is my passion handed down by my mother, i collect vinal records and love nothing more than relaxing infront of my open fire with a good bottle of chablet on a rainy night listening to a wide array of musical greats. im not entirley sure the whole internet thing is for me but ive been recommened it so u never know. i was unsure of what to write so here is some infomation about myself. ? im so small I can fit in ur pocket! ? I always save the orange smarties till last as ther the best! ? love music anything that gets me singing and dancing and i love goin to gigs ? i talk way to much bout crap ? g & t being my fave beverage ? I apparently sing out loud without realising especially on busy trains oops!! ? I can be quiet and shy when first meeting ppl but then never shut up when comfortable! ? vintage clothes shops ? cake as it helps everythng including v bad hangovers ? love talking to random people especially when im drunk ? I like every flavour of skittles apart frm the blackcurrant ones! ? I like feeling all warm in my bed when its cold outside! ? I love the excitement you get when ur a kid on Christmas day! ? my voice goes very high pitched when im drunk! ? I wish I was a cartoon character for the day!! ? I love memories ? I love roast dinners and all things home cooked! ? I want to go on an adventure like on the goonies ? I want to live in a giant cake castle! ? I like to stare at the stars whilst twirling around when im drunk! ? my fave aisle in tescos is the cake aisle ? I like to drink cold milk after eating an extra strong mint! ? I wish I could fly! ? I wish I had a Mary poppins bag! ? I love the smell of coffee but not the taste! ? I love camping! ? I say things without thinking and it comes out the wrong way smetimes! ? I use a flip flop as a weapon against bugs! ? I see no point in ironing as u only crease clothes again anyway! ? I love the smell of petrol ,freshly cut grass and fresh bread! ? I like to ?people watch? as find peoples characters very interesting! ? I like to draw on people when there asleep! J ? I like to collect things from certain days out and put it in a box to remember! ? I believe things happen for a reason! ? I always sing the wrong words to songs!! ? chillin out n watchin loads of films on rainy days ? I wish I was a kid again climbing trees and being free! ? lying in a field watching the world go by! ? all my friends as they put up with my crazyness and make me happy !! ? ? ? ? ? ? I dislike ? my feet being soggy when it rains ? when a night out ends! ? when ur fave t-shirt gets shrunk in the wash! ? people who put others down to make themselves look good! ? when you buy a new purse but have no money to put in it! ? the fact theirs so much I want to do but havnt yet! ? people who wear sunglasses in clubs because they think they look cool! But bump into everything and everyone because they cant see anything! ? people who judge others b4 even getting to no them ? finding a spider in my shoe ? when it rains on the day u decide to have a bbq! ? I don?t like the smell of strawberries! (((my most important relationship is with my friends "without my friends there would be no music only spoken words")))

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