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Last seen 16 April 2019, 07:10
28 years old   San Francisco, United States


a woman, looking for a man aged 18-75

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About me:
A siMpLe tYpe Of GirLaSh wHom yOu cAn cOunT On jUst aRoUnd tHe cOrNeR... -i vAlUe mY fAmiLy sEriously. -caN bE toO spOonY wHeN tAlKs aBout tHe pErSonS i LoVe.. -LooKs sNoB/sTingY (d HeLL! doN't jUdGe tHe bOok bY iTs coVeR, Ok?!)... -tEnDs tO bE sHaLLow..laUghS eVen wiTh tHe siMpliEst JoKe -i'M A CowGiRL wHo CaN EnJoy eVen wiTh tHe siMpLesT GiMiK yoU cAn OfFeR mE wiTh..(eVEn jUSt siTTiN' AroUnd tHe CornEr DrinKiN' My FaVoriTe bEeR WitH fRieNDs i'M cLoseLy reLated wiTH, cHatTin' oVeR tHe cRazY tHingS we'Ve dOne OvEr tHe yEarS aS weLL aS tHe HappY tiMes wE weNt thrOUgh...) -pArTy GaL aNd a HoMeboDy In oNe.. -mOviE FreAk.. -pAsTaHoLic.. cHicKenOLic.NicOtiNoLIc.aLcoHoLic -sHy-tYpE..DamN bOriNg..hUmOrLesS..NAh!(iT's fOr u tO fiNd oUt!) -rEads a LOt -cOoKs -i LoVe mY FriEndS... -i'M nOt JudgemENTAL..I dON't mInd Who yOu aRe, wHat yOur pAst iS..aS lOng as You ArE hOnEst enOugH. -sIngs bUt soMe sonGs doN't liKe mE. -OpEnMindEd..(aS iN SupErb!) -fReE-SpiRit.. -i HaTe tHe fEeliN' oF bEin' gRounDed! -LoVEs tO wEigh DifFereNt Kinds Of PerSonaLitiEs.. -bELieVes tHat ThE moRe pEopLe yOu gEt tO kNow,tHe mOre You LeaRn aBout liFe'S LesSonS..tHe mOrE yOu FiND oUt aBout yOurSelF.. -DrEamEr..FigHteR! nOt a QuitTeR! -i DrEam Big..aNd i LiVe Big.. -LovEs ChaLLenGes..cAn fiNiSh SomeThiNg eSpeciaLLy uNdeR PresSuRe.. -cAn EaSily FaLL iN LoVe..buT damN haRd tO faLl oUt oF iT.. -i LikE iT whEn iT rAiNs..(sO nO onE wIlL sEe mE cRYin.) -eAsiLy tRusts sOmeOne..KiNd-HeArTed!.. -DoN't wAnnA bE tAkEn fOr GrAntEd aNd cAn bE toO dEmanDing SoMetiMeS.. -LoVes tO HavE a DebAtE oVer aNythInG uNdeR tHe SuN.. -cAn bE tHe dAmN bEsT fRienD yOu Can EveR' HaVe But cAn aLsO bE tHe wOrsT EneMy yOu mAy EveR' HavE... -i had a handle on life but i broke it. Now, i feel like i'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe/ live on a one-way dead-end street. i LivE wiTH tHe SayInG.."yOu OnLy HaVe oNE liFe oN hAnd! sO MaKe tHe mOst Out Of iT! LiFe's Too ShoRT tO LiVe a LiFe fULL oF rEgrets! ephemeral_heaven at yahuu dat kom ephemeral_bliss at hutmeyl dat kom

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