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Last seen 16 April 2019, 15:25
33 years old   East Los Angeles, United States


a man, looking for a man aged 20-34

About me

About me:
Ok, me. First off, I'm goofy as hell. I was the kid that messed up all the family pictures. Take a tragedy, I'll find something funny in it. If I can't, I'll make fun of you for being emo. I'm an Aries which makes me not only a handful to deal with, but a quick witted smart ass to boot. California has turned me into a bit of a health nut. Not in the Gollumish vegan kinda way, but working out and eating really healthy. Not only do you feel better, but it makes your poop look cool. I'm a self proclaimed actor, with a concrete helmet for probability. I unfortunately have a disease of wanting to win every time, which causes me to push myself and others around me. I'm try not to be a sore loser anymore....but, I just want to punch the smiling winner in the face. I love writing/producing music as well as writing screenplays. I'm on my second movie. I enjoy doing impressions and silly characters to see my friends laugh, Or atleast give me that look this guy is a retard. As far as music...I love my guitars. I have more than I should, but they are like shoes....each as a place. I have an affinity for beautiful women, but learned maturity is learned by experience not taught. So the search for Miss Right continues. There is a strange but definite pleasure I get from making road ragers pissed...ah the power. That is enough rambling of how much of a pain in an ass I am on society.

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