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Last seen 16 April 2019, 16:10
34 years old   North Vancouver, Canada


a woman, looking for a man aged 28-42

About me

About me:
I believe in love, in giving, in giving more than you take, in honesty, in sharing, in empowering, in laughing lots and moving forward and not being stuck in the past. I have experienced a lot of ?growing pains? as a child and as a teen ? wearing the masks of so many different characters ? the popular kid, the kid who got bullied, the party animal, the gangster wannabe, the save all your minimum wage checks to buy a thousand dollar LV bag girl, the boy crazy girl, the student, the worker, the overachiever?. When I look back at how different I was from year over year, I have a sigh of relief that I?m a lot more comfortable with myself now. I also acknowledge how easily I could have been swayed to fall down the wrong path in those tender and vulnerable teenage years. I am fortunate to have a really strong and supportive family and the best friends a girl could ask for. I love my sisters dearly and have them to thank for so much in my life. I have learned to not associate myself with negative energy. I truly believe in the saying, ?The 5 people you associate the most with?you become?. I believe that we all have choices ? we choose our perception and they way we want to see the world. Unfortunately, sometimes the beliefs that hold so strongly to go unquestioned, even when they are not our own - but passed on from our parents, culture, socialization and interpretation of events. These beliefs dictate every thought we have, every action, every pattern. When we can recognize the beliefs and patterns that are destructive to our peace and well being, and make the effort to change the ingredients in order to see a change in the results?we evolve. We grow past that test the universe has challenged us with. I have a lot of love to give and have faith in people. I believe everyone is born good and has potential... unfortunately, some people get so caught up or misguided that the potential for extraordinary gets lost in all the negativity that they've allowed themselves to accumulate. A rule I live by is to be as human as you possibly can ? live and express. Laugh, cry, love, fall, dance, try, play?. Embrace every minute of your experiences as if there was no next week. I would like to meet solid people - those whose principles are the blueprint of every action and word. Those who are on time. Those who do what they say they will do. Those who consider others and are conscious and aware. Those who act with grace, class and tact. Those who know how to give love without condition, and therefore are able to receive it. I don't want to meet people who: * are selfish * guys with yellow fever * guys with shirtless photo ab shots. * have this uber ego macho thing going on. * are cheap or calculative * who do drugs, drink excessively or live to party.

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