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Last seen 16 April 2019, 20:25
27 years old   East Los Angeles, United States


a woman, looking for a man aged 21-25

About me

About me:
My name is Manjeet, yet people tend to call me Manj or Ruby. I'm 20... and not a feminist..yet. =] Sarcastic, random, impatient... I love being pampered! (it's the fact that I'm an only child) I'm addicted to chocolates. I'm dominant in everything that I do, but of course your opinion counts. hehe =]. I can be patient, understanding, and lovable but to a certain point. Just don't push the wrong buttons. I have a temper. I'm imperfect; I make mistakes and I learn from them. I can cry, scream and yell, yet I can laugh, smile, and giggle. It is just part of being a woman. Sushi and Arizona Iced Tea is the perfect dinner pour moi.... I'm very random. Sarcasm is my specialty =] Straight forward and direct; I tend to say hurtful things. But hey, the truth hurts 99.9% of the time. If we would all say the truth the world would be a better place! Someone has to take the initiative... (which is me) I hate sugar coating... Takes me a while to trust someone (especially a guy) but it's not a mission impossible. I love simplicity. I'm demanding, perfectionist, truthful. I forgive and never forget. I'm independent. I get my point across by whatever means possible (without hurting anyone). I hate jealousy scenes; dirty clothes are washed at home. I am nowhere near a housemaid. I have a traveling soul. I can be childish at times. I throw tantrums *giggles* I'm ticklish... I can be feminine but most of the times I am in my tshirt and jeans with comfy flats. I love outdoor activities, but in a while I want to cuddle while watching a movie. I tend to be very adaptable. I can go from praying at church to cheering in a football game. I tend to be tomboyish... meaning monday night football I am with my best male friends watching the game with a beer. I can go on describing who I am, yet words won't be enough to say who I am. Actions speak louder than words, so you would have to get to know me to see who I truly am... I'm a leader not a follower... Don't let looks fool you, and I always want to have the last word. period. =]

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