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Last seen 17 April 2019, 12:40
31 years old   City of London, United Kingdom


a woman, looking for a man aged 24-30

About me

About me:
I'm probably the person in the supermarket queue who's chatting to the old lady, or making stupid faces at the child in the pram. I'm the one who puts people in their place when they push in front of me in the queue, and who gets annoyed when people don't get up for elderly people on the bus. I'm the girl who loves to dance but is awful at it but does it anyway and is incredibly loyal to the people she loves. I'm the one who spent her time at school swotting up because I was focused, but who also got in trouble for being cheeky. I'm the one who was friends with all the boys in the class, because I understood their humour and would crack jokes with them. I'm the girl that everyone things is a tough nut, but who will cry when she needs to in front of people she trusts. I'm the girl who told you she was going to be a doctor when she was four, and who is actually going to do it. You'd be the guy who makes me laugh, and who is confident enough to tell me when i'm talking rubbish (which I do a lot) but insightful enough to realise that i'm actually quite sensitive. You'd value your family and friends above everything else and be passionate about what you what from your life. You'd have travelled a bit, because I love travelling and you'd appreciate what it might be like to fight against things in life but still go for them. You'd be independent and appreciate my need to be so, but would love and appreciate the time we did spend together. You'd be romantic and able to at least try and communicate what drives you, what makes you smile, shout, cry, laugh etc. You'd be willing to try things you've never done before and open my eyes to a world i've yet to discover (except if you're into morris dancing). You'd be open minded and accepting of the different lifestyles people lead. You'd be dedicated. After all, you read all of this!

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