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Last seen 18 April 2019, 13:30
54 years old   Toronto, Canada


a woman, looking for a man aged 30-50

About me

About me:
I am very new to this and am not the best at "self marketing" but here goes. I love, love, love music of all kinds (with the exception of very heavy metal and Rap)dancing, anything art related, animals - especially dogs, and hope to meet someone who will kill me with a knockout sense of humour and charm me with grace, honesty and a generous spirit. Nothing heavy, just get to know new and interesting people who share my interests and may introduce me to new ones! I have two amazing teenage sons - polar opposites in personality, but are both about to leave the nest. At this stage I have done my job and am ready to focus on my own social life now. I am a fiesty woman, however I'm not aggresive in nature. I stand up for what I believe in and have been known at times to be a teeny tiny bit stubborn. But only when I am certain I am right. I am all about live and let live, and paying things forward. I love volunteering my time when I can. I am happiest when I can help someone, even if it's just to lend an ear, shoulder, whatever! I don't tolerate dishonesty. I need to know that I can put my trust into someone that I will let my guard down for. I have to believe that there is good in everyone, or it's just too scary a world out there! A bit Pollyanna-ish, but makes life way easier to deal with! I'm not a "girlie-girl", but am definitely all woman. That is to say that I think raising boys alone had to create an independant, strong character where I couldn't really afford to be scared of spiders, snakes, getting dirty, etc. (I have a really full tool chest - and know how to use them! lol) I love the feminine part of being a woman, and try to take the best of care in making up for the "tough" woman that raised these men alone! I am a gourmet chef and baker and HATE VACCUUMING. Just wanted to share!

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