25 years old•
New York City, United States
a woman,
looking for a man aged 18-105
About me
About me:
SoMe iiNfO BoUt Meh ! iM noT A vip MeMbER sO iF rEAlly WAnT to COntACt mE aN pAy 4 mY aCcOUnt EMaIl ME at URENA.VANESSAGMAIL.COM OR VANESSA_LAKILLER@HOTMAIL.COM :=]dEEZ GiiRl GoesZ By DeE NAM3SZ Of VaNESsaN 4 ThiiZ sPacE WOulD B Goiinq 4 Da NamE Of Honey -BayBeh.SINgle [LOViN iT].iM Weird, Kind oF shY down 2 earth FriiENdly, Gud N Bad GiiRl. EtC, SCK3CH3D: iN DOMiNiCAN R3PUBliC. HACH3D & RAiS3D: iN BRO0KlyN POPP3D 2 DHiSZ PlAN3T W3 CAll 3ARTH ON 04.11.1990] SiqN: ScoRpIOn STyL3: RaMdON iM suPp-Er KooL. i aM MoStLy ConSiDeReD Az A FrEaKiiN crAzY.. But LOYAlT n reSpoNSiBle as HeLl!!! ii WuB Mii R&B & DomiiNiCan MUSiK!! H0t BOiSZ N loTz of love ;). LolSzx
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