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Last seen 14 April 2019, 07:35
30 years old   East Los Angeles, United States


a man, looking for a man aged 20-27

About me

About me:
I know exactly what I want. I will be the first person to tell you that you can do anything you believe in by working hard. I am stubborn yet compromising. I am not moody or selfish. I am independent. I appreciate good criticism. I am passionate and caring. I follow my heart instead of my head. Well only sometimes. I am difficult (in a good way)and aggressive yet can be gentle and compassionate. I have high expectations and I set unrealistic goals. And achieve them. Life is as open to ideas and goals as you make it. I get what I want. I am competitive...but I am good at pretending like I'm not. I appreciate a good challenge and believe in talking things through until they are resolved. I am loyal and forgiving. I am working on being quicker to listen and slower to speak. My family is more important to me than I portray (if that makes sense?). I appreciate what I've learned from my parents even though it may not be the way I wanted to learn it. I will love without holding back if I find someone worth loving. I'm not perfect. You're not either. I don't care what kind of car you drive, or how much money you have. It's not what I'm looking for in you. These things don't make you who you are. Don't try and impress me with unimportant facts. Don't ask me a question if you don't want a truthful answer. I say what I'm thinking most of the time. So, I am usually very blunt. I try not to believe what I hear about people. I can be quiet if I'm upset. Don't talk about me behind my back, if you have something to say, then say it to my face. My only weakness...that I truly care too much. If you know me you know that i analyze everything and everyone, so i will probably analyze you. But sometimes i tend to over analyze. Why do u think it is that people are the way they are to each other? Sometimes i have reason and sometimes i don't. Im outgoing. If you're rude to me, i'm going to be rude to you. Be honest with me and i'll be honest with you. I believe in second chances. I believe in love at first sight. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and in the end everything will be ok. I've made mistakes. But don't judge me based upon my mistakes, because i'm willing to bet that you wouldn't want me to judge you based upon your mistakes. I am who i am, you can decide for yourself if you like me or not. I wont change myself to satisfy your expectations...this is me..this is who i am.

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