33 years old•
Chicago, United States
a woman,
looking for a man aged 28-36
About me
About me:
Truely, I dislike this part. I have the smallest inkling to say, "Why don't we just hang out?" Instead of writing a resume for dating: HERE. But I guess I have to give some sort of impression of myself so that you'd agree to it... I am the third of four kids; three girls one boy. (I know, we all feel sorry for my brother... He's ok. He made it out alive and is if not THE best, one of my best friends in the world.) We grew up on a farm without any animals except a dog and about a hundred stray cats -which we eventually began to accept as our pets. I went to private school from the age of five to the age of fourteen (k-8) and usually, I'm embarrassed to admit that. I'm not quite sure why? It was co-ed and we all had to wear uniforms- which I hated and is probably the sole reason why I hate to wear a skirt to this day. (Although if circumstances arise, in a skirt I look phenom!) Even though I hated uniforms and the accidemic part of grade school, some of the people I went to school with I still remain in contact with (thanks to space/face). I feel that the people I know from grade school are like an extension of my family. We all grew up together, and whether or not we knew it at the time; or whether or not we hung out in the same cliques; we share the same memories of the playground that we would otherwise have to recreate for new commers into our lives. (-Which is fine. I like recreating humiliating stories in my favor.) Like siblings would remember an embarrassing story about their other sibblings and carlessly flaunt them about purely for their own amusement... But don't cross anyone who graduated with me. It's odd when I think about it but, that's the way it is. I take my family and anyone I consider to be family very seriously in the sense that I become endlessly loyal. This loyalty is true but [you] must prove yourself worthy. And it comes with a cost: See, I have an awesome sense of humor and you know I like you when I mock you or sarcasticly joke about your obvious flaws. If I'm thoughtlessly "understanding" and "nurturing" to your ideas without challenging you it probably means I don't care.
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