37 years old•
New York City, United States
a man,
looking for a man aged 24-40
About me
About me:
I am charismatic. I am the guy in the corner staring at the light fixture on the ceiling. I am passionately independent. I need intimacy. I am more sensitive than I like admit. Sometimes I show it; sometimes I prefer to be crack jokes. I am at peace, confident and present . I can be insecure; I can be confident. I love peanut butter. I can't decide about jelly. I am a walking contradiction; but in that good, mysterious complex guy kind of way :) Ebert and Roeper gave me "Two Big Thumbs Up!" and said that I was the "sexiest and most amazing single male they had seen all year" Very mature for my age one moment; act like a toddler the next. Perhaps the mature moments stems from the fact that I have been through my share of stuff over the years throughout my journey here on this interesting planet. Would say I have developed deep-seated interest in spirituality, for growing in understanding, for exploring and expanding my mind, for becoming a little more intimate with my truth. Becoming kind of connoisseur of delving into philosophical debates. Anything from the phenomenon of calling tissues "Kleenex", the myth of the Easter Bunny, to the nature of the soul: I'm game for all of it. Love fun loving sarcasm and creative witty banter, challenging in depth conversation . Yoga. Recklessly exploring the city. Vegging out on three movies in a row.
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