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Last seen 25 April 2019, 01:30
36 years old   New York City, United States


a woman, looking for a man aged 28-44

About me

About me:
I like to have fun and laugh. That's mainly why I love LA so much. There's so much absurdity on every corner and I like being able to look around and chuckle . . . I can't drive by spiderman on Hollywood blvd without thinking of him getting drive-by-webbed. I will dress up better than everyone else for theme parties. I will organize random adventures with my friends, last weekend after the Grilled Cheese Invitational left much to the imagination, we ended up on an impromptu grilled cheese bar crawl. I have a million ridiculous stories. Ask me about the time I hid in the tree in 5 points, or how I became Team Captain of the Penis Pacifiers, or when I got bit by a landshark, or the time I told a grown man he couldn't use a chainsaw on stage during his set. . . . good times. I've gotten to the point in life where college is a memory and I'm pretty stable. Still, obviously figuring life out, but on much more solid ground. I love having fun and making unexpected situations out of whatever I encounter. I would love to find someone that takes themselves seriously but know when to let loose and have a blast. I love going to shows, having good times with good friends, exploring new places, and generally enjoying life. I will say, that my work life generally involves some sort of hysteria or craziness, which I find keeps me on my toes. Some days I'm wearing a tool belt and other's high heels. . . so that being said I'm pretty much up for whatever life wants to throw my way.

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