38 years old•
New York City, United States
a man,
looking for a man aged 24-40
About me
About me:
I'm a very humble kind of guy with a stable, drama free life. I try to avoid people with massive egos since I grew up surrounded by such people. I also try my best to approach every situation with an open mind, though I'm only human afterall. When I make friends I keep them, and I understand very well that maintaining a good friendship works both ways. I'm as loyal of a person as you can find out there. So that was me on the surface, now for some random facts! I drink lots of green tea. I have no idea what people are looking at when they say they can see the "man on the moon." I drive a Saturn and love it! I have a Nintendo Wii. I usually have to pry myself out of bed with a crowbar each morning. I love spontaneous, slap-stick comedy. I watch tons of movies and maybe way too much TV. Speaking of which, I'm a huge fan of LOST, House and Scrubs. I'm a Padres fan and baseball fan in general. I also enjoy miniature golf and bowling (though I'm quite inconsistent at both!) and going on the occasional hike. I don't use sunscreen because I believe that I can wave my arms fast enough to bat away the sun's rays. I love movies and TV, maybe a little too much. Sure I'll get outdoors and do stuff like hiking or hanging out at the beach (albeit with loads of sunscreen), but those kinds of things usually require the right kind of person to get me off my bum. I love browsing at Best Buy and looking through Sunday morning sale ads. I love tapping into my extensive, creative imagination. Strawberries and chocolate, junk food, napping, and gaming.
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