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Last seen 14 April 2019, 01:05
56 years old   Ottawa, Canada


a woman, looking for a man aged 45-60

About me

About me:
I'm originally from Thailand and have been living in Canada for over 10 yrs. I am a hard working, educated, friendly, loving person who has learned to appreciate every day, regardless of its ups and downs. I try and start each day with a positive attitude and treat others with respect and compassion. I'm always a happy camper,rarely down and always smiling. Becoming FINANCIALLY SECURED is extremely important to me because I'm planning to retire in 5 yrs. it doesn't mean I will stop working completley but it means I will have the POWER TO CHOOSE : WHETHER TO WORK OR NOT TO WORK, AND IT WILL BE MY CALL, NO ONE ELSE's.. It will be a wonderful feeling isn't it? Family is also very important to me and I'm very closed to my mom , sisters, brothers and my only son.. My mom is the best mom in the world..I know that they love me unconditonally and I love them the same way. Living healthy , eating healthy and keep phisically fit is other important thing in life for me. Travel the world is also one of my agenda when I retire. I enjoy reading, travelling, singing karaoke with friends at home, dancing, movies, concert,love to laugh, investing, living life to the fullest each day..since I only have one to enjoy. I excercise regularly and practice eating healthy and living healthy life style. I enjoy meeting new people , good converstion. I love all kinds of music, well except Rap and not too much of country , smooth jazz I like.. and like to try different cultures cuisine from around the world. and of course I enjoy Thai spicy food and can cook a real good Thai food at home.. I like learning new skills. or at least try it once and see if I would enjoy it.I just learnt how to roller blading for the first time and Scuba diving in Jan 09 while I took one month holiday in Thailand. It was enjoyable , the view under the sea was amazing. Next skills I would love to learn are ice skating, sking, Badminton, Tennis, Squash, Ping pong, Hiking, Ju jit su any water sports, Golf and a must to learn is salsa dancing,and any other kinds of dancing.. the list of things I like to learn and try is just keep getting longer and longer.. LOL.. and hopefully I will find free time in my already busy life learning what I just listed.. LOL.. well.. we'll see... as for future planning and when I'm not working too much anymore ( in 5 yrs I hope)and only if I'm still alone then I plan to visit and stay in Thailand or some other warm places anywhere in the world at least 2 months or more each year. since most of my family are living in Thailand. and if I'm lucky enough to find my prince , that special someone, then we both will decide together what we like to do when we're not working too hard anymore. It's only fair , isn't it?

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