39 years old•
Chicago, United States
a woman,
looking for a man aged 27-40
About me
About me:
I'm a proud parent, I'm in law enforcement, I'll be attending law school this winter. I'm motivated, dedicated and determined to live a better life for me and make a better one for my son. I was raised in Chicago, in not the greatest enviorment but I beat the odds of becoming a statistic to living in public houseing, goverment assistant with out a god education. I will be graduating this summer from Roosevelt University it's been a long journey but I can honestly say the time was all well worth it. I'm currently in the process of meeting new friends and taking it day by day. Life is to short you never know when will your last day on earth be so live your life to the fullest. I want to travel to europe and visit all the beautiful places, go sking, go on a boat cruise and in due time, I know I will make it happen. It good to have goals, it keeps me on my toes and busy. I that note I hope to make new friends and what ever happens after that is placed in gods hands.
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