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Last seen 23 April 2019, 19:35
31 years old   Philadelphia, United States


a woman, looking for a man aged 25-32

About me

About me:
I am simple and complex.... lol I know that seemed kinda deep but what I mean is I am a complex person but if people took the time to understand it is very simple to get me. I am Into the Lord... He is who I live by. He is why I am the way I am. what I mean by that is.... I am into reading the bible and trying my best to live by the rules and commands that it holds.... I love thinking outside of the box and I have a motto that if you don't at least try to present something different to people then you'll be seen the same as everyone else. I tell people that I am different from alot of females. I try so hard to be diff. I am still a female but I don't like to be compared to others. people will call my typical and I don't like that. I am an artist. I love to paint and draw. I also am a photographer and music producer. I do a bit of writing as well. I love artistry. I love people who know how to do what they do, so well. I have so much respect for them. I love singing. I thank the Lord for even having a voice. I am a nice person and I love to help... If I can then I will... sometimes I wish I had the means to do more.. I thank God for giving me that kind of spirit, and that much compassion. I thank God for every person that I have met, or will meet. I thank him for bringing them into my life, because every person that has come into my life has been a blessing to me in some learned alot from the people that I hang around. The stories that they have are so powerful, but most of all, the anointing they posses is amazing!!

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