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Last seen 27 June 2024, 07:09
33 years old   Northampton, United Kingdom


a woman, looking for a man aged 26-41

About me

About me:
Hi there, Im 5ft 11. Blonde mousy coloured hair. Naturally curly, though like it eyes.Size 8/10 waist. I enjoy many things, such as walking, training, country side, Natured orientated, I guess. Anything creative, I am passionate about.Painting, drawing, clay, even ice sculpturing. I am extreemly shy initially, Alot of traditional views,morals, how ever, the flip of the coin. I am, once comfortable in my surroundings, spontaneously adventurous. Im over thoughtful, and love to please.I philosphise about everything, Analyse, observe and learn. I love to make people happy.Im not fazed by much, as life tried and tested me on many levels. Alot of traumatic experiences that some would only encounter one in a life time.Or experiences in other countries. Though what doesnt kill us, does make us stronger. And Im deffinitely that. I had my daughter at the age 20. Travelled a little, but then settled in spain. Moved to northampton for my final exams I needed to proceed for my furture. And to put some confusions to bed, as Northampton is where i was born before being moved to leeds after the death of my mother @ 10yr old.My daughter and I, are very happy, and a strong team. How ever, as much as we live by morals of respect, manners etc, we don`t live in the rat race so to speak. Im very opinionated on politics, Which living tight in the system, I couldnt cope. Id rather live in the slower lane now, though protect my daughter daily from the cruel truths of life, people and reasons behind politics.No family, does leave you vunrable, but as my book that Ive been writing the past 5 years, once published will show, the challenges faced, how I over come them. I was mentally week and insure but needed to train my brain to rationalise with reality, in order for servival for my girl.I needed to understand, There nwere no explanations.Achieving that allowed me to give my child the bubble that most children start life with, even if some are popped later on in life. I never experienced such a bubble.. There was no bubble. Life was life. Harsh reality but still. Then I learnt its not life, itsthe people you chose around you.I suppose why religion and stereotypes are there too , to create cults to help us recognise our saftey zone. Then I learnt there only to bee a few catoragaries of which everyone will fall into. Leading to types, easier then to position yourself in life, creating the true ombiance around you. Your shield so to speak, but not weapons or fists, but actually you`ve then created your own invisible, but own security i guess.Im going to leave it there as i know Ive rambled on, i realised its a dating site, not a note book lol. So sorry for anyone that reads this. I will come back and change it. 46 hours with no sleep, not an excuse, merely suggesting its contribution to my random

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