44 years old•
New York City, United States
a woman,
looking for a man aged 28-44
About me
About me:
I'm new in general to all of this, so bare with me on my description of myself. I think my friends would describe me as someone who falls in between an introvert and an extrovert. I love going out with them and dancing and hanging out, but I also enjoy balancing out the craziness with more solo activities like yoga and cooking and reading. I am a very active person. I love being outdoors and if I could, I would go camping or hiking every weekend. I also like feeling a sense of purpose in the everyday things that I do. I bike to work because I know it?s good exercise, it?s better for the environment than driving, and it?s cheaper. I like to find challenges in the mundane, and find it incredibly rewarding when I can do something more creatively than the traditional way. Why buy your own curtains when you can make them? I mean, I know why- I just enjoy feeling like a beat the system when I don't have to necessarily buy everything. I am a vegetarian for similar reasons to why I bike everywhere- it?s healthier, cheaper, and better for the environment. I think a lot of the things I do are based on these principles. Although I would like to date someone with similar interests as me, I am not by any means interested in only dating one type of guy and often I am very much attracted to guys that are in many ways quite opposite from me at least superficially.
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