50 years old•
New York City, United States
a woman,
looking for a man aged 38-58
About me
About me:
I am very interested in making a future for myself. I got married and had children young. Once divorced focused on my job and school. I want my education, I want to be able to be comfortable when I retire and always take care of myself. I do not like depending on anyone. I work very hard and love to go out and have a good time with friends. I do not have a big family, but what I do have I am very close too. I enjoy talking and hanging out with my girlfriends when we can. I am very involved with my kids. I am very forward, outgoing, and love to make people laugh. I enjoy watching drag races and am very into muscle cars. I like watching UFC, but do not like sports. I like watching my oldest son play basketball he is very good. I am a movie watcher. Whether it be at home or go to the theater. I love to shop, I am into clothes and shoes. I like jewelry. I take care of myself. I like to look good and I would never leave my house in sweat pants. I like Coach purses and it is the only kind I will use. I am picture crazy. I love pictures, they are memories and I take a lot of pictures and have them in my home. I am a good friend to all my friends and they are to me. I can listen, I can give advise if needed. I have been through a lot in my life and it has made me the preson I am today. I am a strong woman. I love to shop, I wear suits to work so when I am off its always jeans. I wear high heels all the time. I think they have a lot of class. Summer I like flip flops unless I am going out. I like all types of music, but my favorite is dance music.
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