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09 December 2017, 08:00
After finding myself single at 40, I got serious about looking for love. Once I met Paul, the man I eventually married after 40, I knew that I had found my soulmate based on these seven signs. Keywords: love, Marriage, relationship, Relationships, soulmate, soulmatesread more
09 December 2017, 08:00
Photo: Photo by Soroush Karimi on Unsplash If you're over 35 and wondering, "Why am I still single?", then you've likely had your fair share of relationship issues. Here are 4 common dating challenges single women over 35 face, and how to deal with them. Keywords: Dating, intimacy, loving yourself, relationship, relationship advice, self loveread more
05 December 2017, 08:00
Photo: weheartit A guy can't be relationship material if he's not emotionally available to you. Once you learn the characteristics of emotionally unavailable men, you'll know how to find a guy who is truly ready for a commitment. Keywords: commitment, love, relationship advice, Relationships, emotionally unavailable, emotionally availableread more
02 December 2017, 08:00
Photo: weheartit Getting over your heartbreak is no easy task, but if you're missing your ex, you might not be thinking clearly. Here's one woman's story of how she finally moved on after a breakup, and saved herself future heartbreak. Keywords: bad relationships, relationship, relationship advice, relationship breakup, sadness, breakups, broken heart, perspective, bad relationshipread more
01 December 2017, 08:00
Click to view (10 images) Photo: weheartit Spending the holidays with a new boyfriend can seem stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Instead, get his parents a gift, don't put pressure on him, and relax. Keywords: boyfriend, couples, Dating, new boyfriend, Holidaysread more
30 November 2017, 08:00
Photo: WeHeartIt  We should all avoid drama in our relationships. And you can learn how to be less dramatic by living in the moment, accepting differences, and acting rationally. Keywords: Dating, drama, girlfriend, Relationshipsread more
29 November 2017, 08:00
Photo: weheartit Part of learning how to be more confident means using your body to express yourself. You can do this by speaking slower, smiling, and using your hands. Keywords: body language, confidence, self-esteem, communicationread more
21 November 2017, 08:00
Photo: weheartit When you're dating a sociopath, at first you may not know it. But once you recognize the signs of this personality disorder, be suspicious, avoid contact, and document the abuse. Keywords: Dating, Relationships, manipulation, sociopath, Personality Disordersread more
16 November 2017, 08:00
Photo: weheartit Should you call off your wedding? While it's not ideal, if your partner is cheating, you're marrying him for the wrong reasons, or you haven't known each other too long, it's best to not walk down the aisle yet. Keywords: Marriage, wedding, breakups, break up, wedding jittersread more
14 November 2017, 08:00
Photo: weheartit How do you know if you have sexual chemistry with someone? Whether you're on your first date or your fifth, you want to be close to them, kiss them, and are attracted to their scent. Keywords: attraction, chemistry, Dating, sexual chemistryread more